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Choose The Top After Contruction Clean up Service Items in BUTLER VIETNAM are meet:

  1. Sweep garbage, collect, pick up items…,
  2. Clean the sanitary ware.
  3. Cleaning glass: inside glass, outer glass.
  4. Deep cleaning of the bathroom, including de-liming and de-scaling of the tiles, showers, and the bathroom fixtures
  5. Cleaning light system, switch off/on electric system, ...
  6. Clean the floor, vacuum the entire toilet area.
  7. Cleaning stairs, elevator, paint water removal.
  8. Clean and mopping of all floors, to remove dust, paint, dirt, plaster, ... on the wall.
  9. Cleaning door system, windows, toilet system ...
  10. Clean entire interior after construction.
  11. Deep cleaning of the kitchen surface areas, including inside and ouside of cupboards
  12. Additionally, we take care of all kitchen appliances by giving them with a thorough cleaning from outside
  13. Rubbish removal ( may require additional payment).

Save Time and effort. Give us a ring now on (+084) 917 30 1616. Our customer support team is there to help you organize your after cleaning session in Viet nam.